Well we finally broke down and did it. It was not a decision we took lightly. We considered the added responsibility and expense. But we are sending John off to college, so why not add another child? Now that we have made the plunge, we are asking family and friends to help us decide on a suitable name for....our latest edition to the McAuley's in Zambia. He is a full bred German Shepherd who was imported by an Embassy family. They are now moving to a location where a big dog is not practical. We have plenty of space and several children who have been lobbying for a dog for some time. He is 14 months old, still very much a puppy. So far he seems very bright, a quick learner, and eager to please - not to mention all vaccines are up to date and he is neutered. He does come with the name Kayber, but we feel free to change it, so any great ideas are welcome. He arrived on Mother's Day - not at all what Amy wanted for Mother's Day (she did also receive some plants as seen in the photo). The dog is definitely what we in the family refer to as a basket gift - a long story, ask Norm and Alice for full details, but basically a gift that really is something you want. As always Amy is willing to support her children and husband. Jim and Amy like the name Dietrich, having just finished a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, but other ideas are welcome. The dog and Rascal are slowly getting used to each other. We have never seen Rascal shoot up a tree before proving how spry he is for a 15 year old cat. Send in your name suggestions.
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