The McAuley family has moved to Zambia for a 2 year (maybe more) stint as Jim takes on a role with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Global AIDS Program. Amy and the kids will keep themselves busy with school and serving God in ways only He knows.

Friday, March 8, 2013

News Flash

Last week, Amy travelled with Nancy Collins, PCUSA regional liaison and Rev Rob Weingartner, director of the Outreach Foundation to visit several ministries where US Presbyterians are engaged with Zambian Christians. We drove south from Lusaka to Siavonga on Lake Kariba to Namumu Orphanage Centre where supporters funded the construction of two dormitories, kitchen, dining hall, staff houses, a clinic and chapel  As happens the world over when "moth and rust" break in (or an attic full of bats) as the case may be, there are repairs to be made.
Mwandi First Ambulance
Namumu Dorm with squeeky bats in the ceiling

The following day we moved on to Mwandi Mission 10 hours west along the Zambezi river, about 150 kilometers northwest of Livingston.

Nancy drove most of the way. During our visit we met with the chief, walked through the village, saw the United Church of Zambia Orphan and Vulnerable Children(OVC) program as well as the Mwandi Hospital which I had heard about from Medical Benevolence Trustees (MBF) who'd volunteered there. The OVC program is expansive with a supportive income generating agricultural program of fishponds raising tilapia, beef cattle, pigs and egg-laying chickens.
Pastors leading Devotion and Songs
Income generating fish ponds
We were told that HIV rates are one in four, alcoholism and sexual abuse are major problems and people still drink river water.

The hospital has fallen into some disrepair with a very low census, but there are plans for renovation.
We met a local pastor excited about evangelism and training, a lovely couple from Australia who work with the OVC program and a trustee from the OF who was doing training with villagers in microenterprise, savings and loan as well as a group of medical students and residents on a short term mission trip. The day Nancy and I left, Salvadore de la Torres (and his wife Irma), the PCUSA missionary doctor who was there for 10 years beginning in the 90's arrived for a visit. Salvadore and I met yesterday to talk about what could be done to support the church and community. Pray that God gives wisdom and that the hearts of the community, chief, American hospital board members, missionaries and staff working at Mwandi Mission would be open to His leading and transformation.

Family news: Jim's in the States for two weeks so if you see him, give him a hug.
Tuesday night we celebrated Chris' induction into the National Honor Society

Gus Lounging

One of our new cats, Gus has given us fleas. His mother, Mama briefly eats and departs for the day. Rascal is tolerating it all.  

Amy is painting again